Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We are approved! Apple has said that Overflow is good to go!

So now it’s time to figure out a timeline for releasing stuff out to the press along with what shall be going into the next build to push to Apple.

Need to get some more screenshots for the game for the press kit and we should really labor to create a good gameplay video.

Content wise, yesterday saw a pretty big update! Huge art pass, multiplayer colors were tweaked and we added horizontal slashes to the tiles in order for people to determine their level easier. Overall it has a much cleaner appearance.

The other major piece was that this weekend I was secretly working on a new game mode, which is now available to play around with. This, “complex” mode arose from several different factors that I had observed when new players first got their hands on it. I’ll go into it more later, right now it’s all about what falls on the punch list and when should we push to Apple again?

  1. Create a tutorial for Complex Mode

  2. Be able to choose mode & number of players after editing a map in the map editor

  3. Selectors are still not clear, cannot really tell that they are buttons.

  4. Tutorial Mode?

Hmm, well we will see what I can tackle today. The top two really need to happen before I submit again I think.

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