Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Troublesome checkboxes

Very nice day out.

Continued to scratch through the Bucket List, finding odds and ends to debug throughout the day yesterday. Successfully compressed the main Sprite sheet down to 1/2 its previous size! Coloring objects via code is totally the way to go.

Got art in at the end of the day and now struggling to integrate it & make everything work. The export process is somehow adding additional pixels onto the image, which is totally destroying my plan of having everything with a centralized pivot point. The reason behind this is to avoid the Popping problem when we shift between animations, where their pivot points are in different positions.

However, I think the culprit is a small checkmark box called SMOOTH....

Need to re-export out everything again now, however this is a much better solution than reimporting the asset into photoshop and cropping them down by hand to their original size...

The animations are also larger than I remember them being.. will investigate this.

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