Monday, October 7, 2013

Up to Speed.

Well, congratulations to Marguerite! This past Saturday she was married!

Nice to have everyone in the office again. Had a good meeting about Pathogen, getting very close to the end now. Two full work weeks, we are aiming to go Gold Master on Friday October the 18th. We will push to Apple & wait for their approval. During the down time we will get the media engine up & running as we try to gain as much attention as possible.

Pathogen will (cross your fingers) launch at the end of the month!

Three main hurdles exist:

1. Stability of Online: Progressing very well, we crunched over 60 issues last week, the last thing we need to examine in detail is the invitation system.
2. Pinch/Zoom: A rather good headache now, getting some advice from campus before we switch gears & try something else.
3. Push Notifications: The code we paid for is simply not integrating. It causes the game to get stuck forever trying to install it on device. We have a support ticket into Milkman Games & will hopefully hear back soon.

We need to sit down & plan out "post launch", what are we going to be focusing on? Android? Ranked Play? etc.

That is a conversation we will be having with Gamblyr potentially tomorrow.


Caught a good optimization bug this morning, Particles from the Victory screen were not getting destroyed in the campaign. Thank goodness for the Profiling tool.

Here is the updated Kill List

Pathogen Checklist

To Do:
  1. Facebook & Twitter Icons
  2. Graphics critique pass on Online
  3. Final Music & SFX
    1. Music
      1. Menu Soundtrack
      2. Ingame_01
      3. Ingame_02
    2. SFK
      1. Selector sounds
      2. Expanded Cascade
      3. Win/Loss Condition
  4. Complete the Zoom Feature
  5. Swap out Achievement Text
  6. General Optimization
  7. Loader
  8. Temp User Icon
  9. Achievement Icon - 512x512
  10. Game Center Icon w/o BG
  11. “Rate This App”
  12. Add Push Notifications
    1. Your turn
    2. Game invite
    3. Game Over
  13. Fix Rendering of Dot Lines on Campaign screen
  14. Add back button to campaign sublevels | Necessary?
  15. Trigger an End State on campaign
  16. Update iTunes Connect w/ New Screenshots (4, 5, iPad) & Icons - Can only be done during an App Update
  17. Change over iTunes ownership to Gamblyr
  18. Change over FLOX ownership to Gamblyr
  19. Change over UrbanAirship ownership  to Gamblyr
  20. Invites only to players who have Pathogen
  21. Redesign Level 3 (Locked Down)
  22. Redesign Level 5 (The Nuclear Option)? | Change AI difficulty first
  23. Cells get permanently stuck with a White Flash in some tutorial levels
  24. AI is playing a turn after Victory condition is met
  25. Alignment Problems with Completing a level on medium difficulty.
  26. Ai is too difficult on Medium & Easy settings
  27. Capture Zone Optimization
  28. Lengthen the gap between when a player's turn ends & the AI’s begins
  29. AI’s should not be able to earn players an achievement
  30. Players should win tie games in the campaign
  31. The achievement for completing a “world” is being triggered after any level is complete.
  32. AI ran out of valid moves, stops game progression
  33. Retrying a level does not properly dispose of data?
  34. More useful Error Screen when connecting to online
    1. No Online connection
    2. Not signed into Game Center.
  35. Align Cell Selector White Flash
  36. After click on map in Game Setup, highlight Next button. Do same on Player selection after pick a player?
  37. Double check functionality of Erosion Zone, Player cells disappearing after the zone has opened up?
  38. Finishing the right hand “path” does not unlock the last level.
  39. Confirm button text placement on iOS
  40. Player name text size in OnlinePlayer on HD iPads
  41. Percentage Bar In-accurately showing player %'s
  42. Add Domination victory in Online
  43. “NULL has surrendered” - does not pull in accurate player nickname/alias
  44. No win from surrendered game, Victor, on Player Profile
  45. No cells updated from surrendered game, victor, on Player Profile
  46. Cell did not update correctly? When transforming to Squares? - Picture.
  47. If a higher evolved cell is selected & played makes an invalid move, the piece disappears.
  48. Images not getting correctly getting removed.
  49. Determining whose turn it is? - Players swapped? 2x
  50. Connecting to internet on “awake” Recheck for internet when clicking online
  51. Simple game summaries, font size on iOS HDD
  52. forfeiting a game takes a seriously long time.
  53. In online, if use a 2nd or 3rd level cell, and only have one, it disappears properly, but then is gone, so the whole row is blank until next turn
  54. If a Games Status is Over, when a player goes to remove it do NOT warn them that doing so will result in a loss.
  55. Integrate Social Media into Online
  56. Tweak Cell Selector White Flash
  57. Online Game Previews, formatting for iPhone.
  58. After removing a game, open the custom Games window again.
  59. Cell indicator when receive 2nd or 3rd tier cell needs to detect if 2 cells visible, and if so, highlight on right, not in middle
  60. Solid cells - when return to game - are misaligned
  61. Returning to Games List from iPhone
  62. iPhone 4/5 Alignment Issues
  63. Tile Indicator is in top left corner if join an online game and 1st player has not taken a turn
  64. Nemesis == Null on Profile Screen.
  65. Make player not found error in Main more graceful. If doesn’t find player, do something that alerts BWG and the player. - added error checking.
  66. Make game loading problem in EntityManager more graceful - if finds GamePlayer records but no corresponding Game records, it bails back to Main. Needs to still get to online.
  67. When accept invite, go into game, but nickname is blank
  68. Should Accept Invite be on top, and Reject on bottom?

Known Issues:
  1. Gap in Victory Screen rendering on HD iPADs
  2. Graphics issue with text display/formatting on iOS
  3. Large player created Maps difficulty loading
  4. Clicking on Online Play will sometimes drop you into a floating background for an extended period of time due to server/internet connection speed.

Other Tasks:
  1. Play through entire campaign
  2. Test Achievements
  3. Website Adjustments
  4. New Trailer

Additional Features:
  1. Challenge Your Nemesis? - set up structure.
  2. Show who you are Dominating? functionality built. just need to know how it should look
  3. Change layout of Post Game screen? Put Graph & Pie chart on the same screen? | REJECTED
  4. Hints? On how to succeed in the game?
  5. Rematch players in Game Over Menu for Online?

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