Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Its done.

Yes, Pathogen hit gold-master last Friday.

And its feeling pretty good. That was a major milestone. But we didn't stop there. All day Friday & Saturday we were at the Vermont Tech Jam showing people the game and trying to drum up some local interest. We ended up giving away 250+ fliers with the games information about it.

Yesterday we suspended work, went out to a late breakfast and had a post-mortem about the whole of Pathogen's development.

I have a lot of really good notes that I want to put into a easier to digest form before sharing them with all of you. So that will happen down the road at some point in time.

For right now, its own to stage 2 of Pathogen's development. We will be working away on the first update to the game which will include some quality of life changes.

1. Retina Display: All you HD iPad owners will be able to experience Pathogen in full retina display.
2. Push Notifications: Pop up notifications that will alert you when an online game has been started, ended, or is your turn.

We hope to have these changes out pretty quickly, potentially before the game releases, but we will see.

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