Tuesday, October 2, 2012

On the State of Reviews

A medium is only taken seriously when someone can make a living critiquing it.

And with the number of media outlets dedicated to gaming, I think its safe to assume the business world takes us seriously.

We have had our own, with Loc, which has had its share of reviews, both good and bad, from a huge array of different people. And they come to the game as players, as blank slates, who are not connected to the development process whatsoever, which allows them to be critical.

Resident Evil 6 came out today, and yesterday it was blasted by a score of negative reviews, calling it a monstrosity of gameplay that is attempting to reach too many audiences.

But the thing is, no one besides the development team knows what went into creating that game. There is an untold story under the surface, which could have been nightmarish. The critic’s have no idea, and only other developers could attempt to speculate and understand. But until someone at Capcom attempts to bring light to that story, no one will ever know.

And the thing is, every game is like this. It takes anywhere between 6 months to sometimes 3 years to put out a game and during that time, anything can happen. A game can be remade three times, a team could internally combust, or someone could accidentally delete an entire repository.

Yet how good a game is, is determined by those who are peering through the glass, looking in at the boiler that development is and making a judgment.

The fact that any game actually finishes production is a unsung feat and for that alone every developer deserves a round of applause, no matter how monstrous their product may seem.

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