Monday, September 9, 2013

The Valley of Despair

The Valley of Despair.

That is what Sid Meir, the legendary designer of the civilization franchise, called the troubling times that all studios eventually reach during their development.

Last week was our Valley of Despair. Just about everything seemed to fall apart at the seams. The time pressure of FIG, combined with Matt's continuing sickness, the general shape of the game, our lack of trailer, lack of website, & a host of other concerns drove us into a corner. For a while we were lost.

However, we picked ourselves back up, dusted off our sleeves, pulled out a map & started the process of trying to find our way out. 

One of the key decisions was to completely abandon our online efforts. Stepping away from that line of thought made it much easier to give myself some breathing room to identify & tackle the known bugs. Worked over the weekend to make sure I was on top of it. Took new trailer footage all throughout Friday with FRAPS, previously we had been using a free alternative however that gave us some pretty ugly footage. If you are going to do it right, the best thing to do it pay for a program that will deliver. 

Feeling much more confident this week as a result. After last week, I think we can handle it.

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