Monday, September 16, 2013

Post FIG

And we're back.

Boston FIG was a pretty crazy whirl wind event. We left on Friday @ 1:00, planning on getting there at about 5ish. That way we could scope out the place, get set up at the Air BnB place we had, before going down to the Valve pre-party.

But like all good plans, it didn't quite go that way. It ended up taking us almost 6 hours to get to Boston thanks to traffic.

The Valve Event was basically a pitch to get developers to use Greenlight (which we did not have the greatest experience with in the past). However, it was very nice to just be around other developers & one of the best things about having a tablet game is being able to quickly pull it out and show it off.

We ended up going to dinner with a few of the Cipher Prime developers.

Saturday came around & from 10 until 6 we showed the game. We were completely busy for those 8 ours straight. We had a great reception from people, with many saying it was one of their all-time highlights at the event. Spoke to a few press people as well and hopefully got someone's attention.

Not everything went according to plan and we learned alot from those mistakes.

1. Team: You need to bring a team. Only Marguerite & I went down. Without any backup or anyone to switch out for us, you get worn down really quickly.

2. Monitors: We brought a monitor to display the game so that those who were not playing could kinda get a feel for what Pathogen is all about. However, the monitor was too low, no one waiting in line could see it. Next time we are going to either invest or make a television mount that would put a screen up about 6 or 7 feet into the air.

3. Airplay... We had this great plan to mirror gameplay onto the monitor. Worked in the office no issue. We get down their & airplay just cannot connect... I believe the issue simply is distance to the router. So next time we ask for a hardline connection & bring our own router.

4. More devices. Often we had Press people stop by & all the iPad were being used already. Taking the game from people is never a pleasant experience. We should have a special "press" device that we can whip out.

5. Break the rules: FIG told us to make sure we don't put anything in front of our booth. But a number of dev's brought additional chairs that they put out in front. This netted them additional room to converse with players, pushed the main crowd back from the table & generated interested from the crowd because the players and games were far more visible.

Glad to be back at work though now. Doing iPhone4/5 dev work today. Will be testing later tonight as well.

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