Not to meant that we need to be ready for the Vermont Tech Jam as well, which I'm supposed to be at on Friday & Saturday. Marguerite will be speaking at a panel as well.
Worked through the weekend on tweaking the tutorial & fixing a few of the campaign bugs we ran into on Friday. I would say that overall we are in a good place.
Added in a "tips" popup, for lack of a better word. It appears when the player attempts to make an illegal move & lets them know that Hey, your making a bad move, try again (ok, maybe not that condescendingly). A sound effect would be nice to go with it, but eh maybe later.
Our kill sheet is getting rather long, 165 issues in 2 weeks is not too bad.
Pathogen Checklist
To Do:
- Facebook & Twitter Icons
- Graphics critique pass on Online
- Final Music & SFX
- Music
- Menu Soundtrack
- Ingame_01
- Ingame_02
- Selector sounds
- Expanded Cascade
- Win/Loss Condition
- Complete the Zoom Feature
- Swap out Achievement Text
- General Optimization
- Loader from Animation.
- Temp User Icon
- Achievement Icon - 512x512
- Game Center Icon w/o BG
- “Rate This App”
- Add Push Notifications
- Your turn
- Game invite
- Game Over
- Fix Rendering of Dot Lines on Campaign screen
- Add back button to campaign sublevels | Necessary?
- Trigger an End State on campaign
- Update iTunes Connect w/ New Screenshots (4, 5, iPad) & Icons - Can only be done during an App Update
- Change over iTunes ownership to Gamblyr
- Change over FLOX ownership to Gamblyr
- Change over UrbanAirship ownership to Gamblyr
- Invites only to players who have Pathogen
- Redesign Level 3 (Locked Down)
- Redesign Level 5 (The Nuclear Option)? | Change AI difficulty first
- Cells get permanently stuck with a White Flash in some tutorial levels
- AI is playing a turn after Victory condition is met
- Alignment Problems with Completing a level on medium difficulty.
- Ai is too difficult on Medium & Easy settings
- Capture Zone Optimization
- Lengthen the gap between when a player's turn ends & the AI’s begins
- AI’s should not be able to earn players an achievement
- Players should win tie games in the campaign
- The achievement for completing a “world” is being triggered after any level is complete.
- AI ran out of valid moves, stops game progression
- Retrying a level does not properly dispose of data?
- More useful Error Screen when connecting to online
- No Online connection
- Not signed into Game Center.
- Align Cell Selector White Flash
- After click on map in Game Setup, highlight Next button. Do same on Player selection after pick a player?
- Double check functionality of Erosion Zone, Player cells disappearing after the zone has opened up?
- Finishing the right hand “path” does not unlock the last level.
- Confirm button text placement on iOS
- Player name text size in OnlinePlayer on HD iPads
- Percentage Bar In-accurately showing player %'s
- Add Domination victory in Online
- “NULL has surrendered” - does not pull in accurate player nickname/alias
- No win from surrendered game, Victor, on Player Profile
- No cells updated from surrendered game, victor, on Player Profile
- Cell did not update correctly? When transforming to Squares? - Picture.
- If a higher evolved cell is selected & played makes an invalid move, the piece disappears.
- Images not getting correctly getting removed.
- Determining whose turn it is? - Players swapped? 2x
- Connecting to internet on “awake” Recheck for internet when clicking online
- Simple game summaries, font size on iOS HDD
- forfeiting a game takes a seriously long time.
- In online, if use a 2nd or 3rd level cell, and only have one, it disappears properly, but then is gone, so the whole row is blank until next turn
- If a Games Status is Over, when a player goes to remove it do NOT warn them that doing so will result in a loss.
- Integrate Social Media into Online
- Tweak Cell Selector White Flash
- Online Game Previews, formatting for iPhone.
- After removing a game, open the custom Games window again.
- Cell indicator when receive 2nd or 3rd tier cell needs to detect if 2 cells visible, and if so, highlight on right, not in middle
- Solid cells - when return to game - are misaligned
- Returning to Games List from iPhone
- iPhone 4/5 Alignment Issues
- Tile Indicator is in top left corner if join an online game and 1st player has not taken a turn
- Nemesis == Null on Profile Screen.
- Make player not found error in Main more graceful. If doesn’t find player, do something that alerts BWG and the player. - added error checking.
- Make game loading problem in EntityManager more graceful - if finds GamePlayer records but no corresponding Game records, it bails back to Main. Needs to still get to online.
- When accept invite, go into game, but nickname is blank
- Should Accept Invite be on top, and Reject on bottom?
- - Online Victory Doesn't work, Half fades in before Crashing, doesn't send results to other player.
- - Other players turn, but player forfeits from the Online Play screen. results in Freeze, does not send forfeit results to other player. - made liveupdate run for player whose turn it is. Need to test.
- Cell Selector White Flash is not centered when currentNumofSaved == 0 in Online Play.
- Players Switched colors.
- App Annie Integration
- Cell Selector disappears when one is used when 2 have been saved.
- Investigate AI use of cells. Appears to be able to use multiple higher level cells without losing them.
- Players Switching Colors
- Confirm Button Text is offset
- Cell Selector White Flash is not centered when currentNumofSaved == 0 in Local Play Replay.
- Game Board in Local Play not centered on second game
- When forfeiting from Online Play Screen & its not your turn, the opposite player forfeits instead.
- Test Invitations on Medium & Large Maps
- Test Unfriending a Friend via Game Center
- Test RateBox with another app (Loc)
- Accept Invite Text in Online Play is offset
- Particle effects need to be scaled to pathogen.Scale for Victory/Defeat screens in Online Play for HD devices & iPhone.
- Change out Default Splash Images?
- Edit Icon
- Campaign, cannot touch screen on place cells
- Crash entering Online for a second time after leaving a match on both devices that were in that game
- Visual bug on three finger pinch to minimize screen - continuing to tap enlarges circle - still playable (IF PINCHED WHEN OTHER PLAYERS MOVE IS PLAYING OUT)
- While screen is “pinched” other player cannot move
- Quickly switching between level 1 and 2 - playing evolution animation on both screens, fixes when evolved
- Online game did not pass move to other player
- All Buttons Broken after crash in campaign
- When opening game after crashing campaign, no placing available in ANY board scenario
- Local Play, cannot touch screen on place cells
- *POLISH* Solid (tier 4) neutral cells grow / highlight as if you can place on them. Same for opposing player’s solid cells (tier 4)
- *POLISH* Player 2 recieved a new cell (tier 2) and took their turn. The flashing highlight stopped on their device, but not on Player 1’s device (multiple turns later it still hasn’t gone away)
- Victory/Defeat Cell has black lines running through it. (Single pixel offset like before?)
- Question mark / Tutorial button didn’t disappear after completing a random match. (normal victory condition NOT domination)
- Enter Game is offset on HD ipad & ipad Mini
- *POLISH*Background alpha on a game holder in the list doesn’t reset when released from a move
- *POLISH* multiple games can be selected at once (display selected state w/ buttons)
- View Results text is offset on HD ipad
- Singleplayer button text is offset on both iPad mini & HD iPad
- Player name text on game holder in games list is the incorrect size on HD iPad (not scaled up)
- Singleplayer, multiplayer, maps button no longer works. To repeat open the options tab and then closed it (on main menu)
- Outmanned - 1 Fill the board, BUT LOSE and the game doesn’t end. undo & help button work, but when I tried to quit the game froze, BUT didn’t crash
- After online game clicked to view stats, but screen didn’t pop up. Current display - blank background with help button (after successful test with player queue) *Repeatable when I go to view the game from games list*
- Crash in Campaign from losing to the AI.
- Update BW Splash Screen.
- Include Gameblyr Splash Screen.
- Completed Lighting - 1 The stats screen had 0 minutes for elapsed time. I had retried the level. (repeatable)
- Achieved “Harmful - Destroy 100 Cells” when the AI used a virus on my cells
- Elapsed Time on Lightning Levels is incorrect. States the games took between 0-1 minutes. (Doing exact time check when I’m back)
- Switch Push Note Code over to Production
- Uncomment Rate Box, Set Day Delay
- Wipe Online Data
- Campaign Debug == False
- iTunes Description Text
- Take out Trace Statements
- Undoing while in Tutorial levels where you must play in certain locations will break the game.
- Auto start first level
- iPhone 5 Resolution
- Control zone countdown does not’ reset properly when undoing a move. Control zone transformed, I undid that turn, and it didn’t transform again.
- Part of above - the player & AI pieces that are in the control zone cannot have cells placed on them. (potentially just a graphic glitch?)
- Part of above - those cells can be spread on to though AND will upgrade the control zone if player takes 100%
- part of above - counter goes negative
- *POLISH* Normalize mode name to “Capture Zone” or “Control Zone.”
- Virused Control Zone cells don’t always reset to correct graphic (some become blank board piece) some percentage of these didn’t transform at the end of the count down
- part of above - game didn’t end because of un-transformed control zone cells
- Memory clean up with Control Zone’s (seemed to get laggy even when they hadn’t broken)
- sub-levels size and placement off on HD iPad
- Save data with campaign
- Update spreading for Online
- Erosion Zone, Destroying cells that are not part of the perscribed Zone - level 2 of that world - Double check code that determines Erosion Zones
- Only pulse new cell three times or so, confusing which is selected which it pulses non-stop
- Scoot difficult dots up slightly on individual worlds
- Back button on campaign to get back to main
- Got achievement “win game through domination” when the AI won, counted as a win on the campaign
- Ai Playing on Board Boundaries?
- Ai refused to make a move, tried to undo, continued to Undo back to the AI’s turn.
- Parent Levels will slide around (and scale incorrectly) when you tap and slide immediately after. Scale does not return to normal upon leaving focus.
- Games list screen does not display “Random Match” Button & “Invite Friends” Button - on iPad Mini, started after exiting an online game. Persists after exiting and restarting the app. Persists after restarting the device too. (repeated on HD iPad too. see below)
- you can break/freeze the game by swiping and clicking on the invite friends button as the games list page loads after leaving an online game. - The invite friends screen will pop-up over the games list screen and you can go back (closes invite friends display), but then it freezes. Potentially related to 145, as I tried swiping after leaving a game and the games list screen no longer had the 2 buttons.
- Not sure if this is a bug or intentional… you can’t place viruses on neutral cells
- Cannot click multiplayer after opening achievements page
- Keep the Random & Friend buttons on the online screen, even when the player has 3 currently active games. When these buttons are pressed, prompt with a window alerting them to the fact that they cannot have more than 3 active games.
- Cascade update to Virtual Turns
- BWGTester & BWGtester02 Broke it!
- Pushed a move, didn’t appear on the other players screen. Player who pushed recieved a null? When player returned to the Game List it showed that it was still his turn. Tried to play again, same result.
- Other Games will work however.
- Show a message for a illegal Move.
- Domination Victory text in Online.
- Add in Achievements into Online
- Join cell names with hyphen “A-Cell” “B-Cell” - feels more unified like a title
- Period after “Complete to map to progress”
- Pulse the Charger Bars when discussing them?
- Darken screen more on Victory?
- Add “You can” before “conquer enemy cells”??
- Start with B-Cell not C-Cell
- Then move onto C-Cell
- Undo at the end?
- Higher Res images of the Cells Types for close-ups? - Evaluate remaining spritesheet space for loader / other items
- Once virus is tapped say what action it will take.
- “Viruses” not Virus’s, that or “The Virus destroys”
- Change “Campaign” to “Single Player”??
Known Issues:
- Gap in Victory Screen rendering on HD iPADs
- Graphics issue with text display/formatting on iOS
- Large player created Maps difficulty loading
- Clicking on Online Play will sometimes drop you into a floating background for an extended period of time due to server/internet connection speed.
Other Tasks:
- Play through entire campaign
- Test Achievements
- Website Adjustments
- New Trailer
Additional Features:
- Challenge Your Nemesis? - set up structure. - REJECTED
- Show who you are Dominating? functionality built. just need to know how it should look
- Change layout of Post Game screen? Put Graph & Pie chart on the same screen? | REJECTED
- Hints? On how to succeed in the game?
- Rematch players in Game Over Menu for Online?
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