Flash has trouble creating a 1 to 1 conversion into Bitmap if the exported Movieclip has any Filters on it. If a filter exists, such as BLUR or GLOW the effect does not translate well from Vector into Pixels, they end up taking up more space per pixel than vector does.
Here is a visual demonstration.

Size costs. The larger an asset is the more space it takes up on our sprite sheets. The more sprite sheets we have the slower the game runes.

So how did we end up with the bottom result?
Well, we turned to a third party program called Kurst which captures the data of a .SWF and prints them out as PNG's. Its basically like taking a screen shot of every frame of the animation while its playing.
Animations are finally looking good in engine as a result. Sibyl is giving the rest of the colors to me today, had her only export out Green so I could figure out the issues, so by the end of the week we should have a build that is all good to go.
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