The site is currently being redone, thanks to a slick looking new outlook that Ed, the owner of 8-Bit fit & a client we are working with to create an app.
The new one is all wordpress as well, which is going to make updates a heck of a lot easier for us.
I guess we aren't doing a "company" blog any longer, just individual ones which we will link out too. Until we figure things out, my blog has made a move here.
Still waiting on the contract, maybe tonight is the new word. Until then, Matt is working on the new website and I'm still pushing forward with turn based combat.
New library books today, 4th Dexter novel & another Patricia McKillip, so I'm set for another week.
Oh right, the great Apple debacle...
The whole developer site went down and has since been. Worse we don't even have an ETA on when it might go back up. Until then we basically can't work on it...
At least we haven't officially started development yet...
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