Ugg, yesterday ended up being a scorcher. Way too hot. Today's bike ride in was pretty good though, maybe I'll take the bike path up after work if it remains like this.
Had the Physical App's guy come around yesterday and they are looking for a bunch of things. The product is getting ready to ship, which means they were looking for as much work done as possible within a months time. That's a little brutal in terms of a development timeline. We are specc'ing some of those potential projects to see what we could do/bring people on to do.
Lorrie came by to help out figure out tax stuff. We had a client bounce a check and amazing how much of a domino effect that can have. Mike & Marguerite's checks both bounced, while Matt's and Mine were held by our bank until they could clear. We also had a rent check bounce as well. We quickly got the clients check put back through, but it caused more than just a little bit of chaos in our quick books.
Today is possibly THE day, the contract changes have gotten looked over (hopefully) and we should have an update today. In the mean time Matt played around with the particle system built into Starling which is as powerful or more so than Unity's built in system. I'm working back through the combat in the turn based game, looking to see how to make the whole thing faster, while keeping choice and strategy in there.
Sad day, headphones are broken... I have iPhone headphones, but the Headphone jack is on the back of the tower and there is no way its going to reach.
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