Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Replay System

going back over the replay system today. I really want to get it to a place where you can actually see it animate between moves. Currently, the replay system is pretty cheap actually. After every move the game takes a snapshot of the board, by grabbing all the cell "states" and owners. The animation i played in Overflow, was a simple trick of the eye, i simply told all the pieces that were supposed to be on the board to flip and appear, making it look like the game was playing the game. However, in reality it was just resetting the board to a moment in time.

What should happen is when you move to a moment in time, the board should not only reset but it actually play out the move that happened. Which means I need to now save the location of the tile location that was clicked, whose turn it was, as well as the type of tile placed at that location.

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