Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hitting that Wall

Uggg. Getting a smooth scroll/zoom in flash is turning out to be more painful than first imagined…

I came into with high expectations, flash has built in multitouch gestures for pinch as well as swipe. However both of these actions are not smooth. You make a swipe action, and once you finish then it moves the canvas, not in real time. I’ve tried a variety of different methods and ultimately nothing has produced the same effect that all tablet users are used too.

So today its back to the drawning board, im going to open a new project and have only a single square to test this with. Trying to build it into the existing framework of Overflow has been tricky and who knows if anything else is somehow prevent the smooth motion of these actions.

Also Critiques! Headed to campus to go get some other outside perspective on things.

Got some other stuff done yesterday though, here are the updates for Overflow:

-          Added 6 additional maps, 2 per each additional map size

-          The game now will end the game if one player seizes more than 50% of the playable map with level 3 tiles


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