A slew of minor changes got pushed into this update thanks to the work of our great testing base that came out on a Sunday afternoon and gave us two hours of their time. We had quite a range of players as well, from those who had no idea what they were doing to veteran testers. Even better the overwhelming response was very positive.
We have a bunch of pictures up on Facebook from the event and shot some video as well that Marguerite will be taking out with her for the whole GDC tour. Lots to do this week, mostly on the video editing side of things. A gameplay video has to come together, capturing footage is what I'm going to be doing this morning.
Started to have a discussion about the virus the other day as well, at the moment the one in game is placeholder but I think its going to be a little tough figuring out what exactly it should be/associated animations.
Fixes that came with yesterdays big content push include the following:
1. Undo button fix! You can no longer try to undo while undo is running!
2. Virus cool down has been increased by 2 on matches where there is > 2 people playing. I felt that as players reached the "end game" it became a seriously frustrating battle because viruses were being utilized everywhere and no one could gain any traction. By increasing the recharge rate to 8, the window of opportunity the virus presents is longer allowing for strategies to better employed.
3. Replay... So if you watched the replay and then tried to quit back out, the game would actually continue to keep playing itself out which caused some serious lag issues. Pretty easy fix thankfully. Still to come is keeping a snapshot of the end game and keeping all that information displayed even if you watch the replay. Currently the end game stats screen actually shows you the end state at the moment you quit viewing the replay, not for the actual end game.
4. Selector Tiles: Had a lot of people have to ask me if their selector tile was available or not. By just having the count-down bar visible, people naturally assumed that it was not available, when in reality it was and was actually working its way to netting the player a 2nd playing piece. What happens now is that countdown indicator appears directly next to the usable playing piece to avoid confusion.
5. Tie! You can now actually tie in a game now! For the longest time I thought i would have to do this long round-about way to figure out if a tie happened. Sat down and did it yesterday in 2 lines... Sometimes it just works out like that.
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