For those of you who may not know, Steam is an online distribution platform for PC games. Every day, literally millions of players log on to purchase and play games in their library, which means that getting your game onto Steam is like finding the Holy Grail. With that much traffic you are bound to get a healthy number of sales. Not to mention the fact that Steam also spontaneously throws games up for sale, which increases sales almost exponentially.
Steam Greenlight allows anyone to submit a game, it hits the public and gets voted upon. When the game gets enough votes it can launch on Steam.
So yesterday we submitted and here is what happened.
We were on the ball and submitted our game with the first half hour of the launch for Greenlight. At that time there were only 60 other games, as of this writing there are now over 500.
We got more traffic to that page then we had ever seen before. 300 pages views in 20 minutes… We have now had over 5,000 people look at our game since then.
And the initial comments we got were overwhelming negative. People accused us of cloning Cogs, of having a ridicules storyline, of being a mobile game ported to PC, and a variety of other things. It was so unbelievably harsh that we had to respond. Added below our games definition we threw down our own response to these comments, trying to defend ourselves.
Which for the most part actually seemed to work. The negative comments didn’t go away, people still love to just put others down, but it did lessen them substantially.
We will see what happens as we move forward, as of now we are still just sitting at 0% of 100% needed, which we believe is based on number of favorites. Every 1,000 favorites == 1% increase.
But if you do have a Steam account, you can check out the page for yourself: