I had a few friends in college not play any because making video games just took up too much of their time on top of schoolwork. Going to the Montreal International Game Summit (MIG’s) and the Game Developer Conference (GDC) I’ve met a few professionals who also don’t play. For a few the game industry is just a job, it’s not a lifelong hobby, they go in put in their hours and go home.
Generally this happens in those in marketing, PR, or management. The dev’s who actually do the heavy lifting and who live in the trenches of production are always passionate people who love games.Which is absolutely necessary.
Just like in any medium a dev needs to learn from those who came before. By playing games we can break down why something is so successful, why the game “feels good”, why it’s fun; which in the end is what we all want for our own games in order for them to succeed.
So I already talked about my experience with Riddick, I’m playing through Butcher Bay right now and eagerly watching the steam sale, waiting for Max Payne 3 to get even cheaper than it already is.
But what is everyone else playing?
Well Matt is crazy; he is going for the 100% play through on Super Meat Boy (SMB)… For those who don’t know it is one of the hardest platforming games out there. SMB a 2D side scrolling game where you control a boy, made out of meat who is trying to rescue his girlfriend, bandage girl, yes she is made out of bandages, from a evil fetus in a jar who wears a monocle and a top hat. You just need to see it to believe it.
Matt just finished a 100% sweep of world 1 & 2 and is going to start the slog through world 3. He claims that there is no way he will be able to keep it up in the worlds 5 & 6, but I don't believe him. This is the guy who actually beat the Binding of Isaac.
Early access for the Secret World began about two weeks ago and Mike has been playing it on and off. The Secret World is a new Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) from the developer Funcom. Our friend Joe works there! Go Joe! But unlike the other MMO’s out there the game breaks away a lot of the usual rules.
There is no set class base for one, players can mix and match however they want creating hundreds of unique possibilities. Another big stand out feature is that the game has a very Lovecraftian feel to its design. The horrid creatures that H.P Lovecraft brought to life, such as the Old Ones, fill the world and stand as a great gothic stage for the player.
Marguerite just finished Mass Effect 2 playing through as a renegade Shepard. There was this painful week when I had finished Mass Effect 3 for the second time and then played through the new Extended Cut ending and couldn't talk about it at work. But hopefully she will be getting that one soon, Origin might try to match Steam and do a summer sale as well.
For anyone who doesn't know the Mass Effect franchise puts you into the boots of Commander Shepard, a human war hero and council Specter. It becomes your job to gather a crew and help stop the destruction of the universe. The story is sweeping, as you can probably tell from the plot, but it plays perfectly. From the moment you start, you get sucked into the experience, and all you ever want to do is see what happens next. A cinematic experience, wonderfully crafted and one of the best ever made.
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