[caption id="attachment_36" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Yes, this is exactly like Game design. The lightning included."]
I had never met Mike before and was currently studying abroad in Montreal, but had worked with Marguerite previously on a small
game the semester prior. So we talked and stewed and thought about it, but didn’t really commit to anything.
And whoa did we bite off more than we could chew, at least on the programming front. So we asked Matt, who we had worked with during the spring semester of our junior year, if he was willing to join us. And thank goodness he said yes. That summer we were off and running with Loc.
The name Birnam Wood is actually the name of a forest in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In the story an army disguises itself as part of the wood and takes a castle by surprise, ending the rule of a usurper. We felt that video games as a medium was this encroaching force that has over the past decade leapt into the world of today and taken over as an entertainment juggernaut.
Our name represents our vision of creating powerful player driven, artistically made, and innovative games.
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