Haven't posted in while, so here is all that happened.
New Space
One of the biggest changes was that we moved office spaces. From the Champlain Mill on the Winooski/Burlington border to down near Perkins Pier in downtown Burlington. We are on the second floor of the JDK building. Its a shared living space that is quickly filling up with other creative talent in Burlington. Its pretty great, feels more alive + internet that kicks our old internet speeds into last week. However its about $100 more a month, but we don't pay for utilities/internet, which ended up totaling near $100 anyway. So nearly even. Its a bit farther, which means I'm biking to work which is fine except for the pouring rain yesterday.
A frustrating series of events have cause us to bring development to a standstill for the moment while we try to figure out what our publisher situation actually ends up being. At the moment it is in a pretty solid place with the whole local multiplayer and single player campaign complete. The next big move for development is the production of our online component, which could take anywhere between 3 and 6 months depending on what road we want to travel down.
As a result of stalling development we have begun prototyping a new iP, which is pretty exciting and more information about it may follow in the future, but for the moment we are going to keep it under wraps.
That's it for now, pictures of the new space will go up eventually when I remember to bring a camera to work.